Many local counties and cities are increasing the minimum wage that applies to employers within their jurisdiction on July 1, 2019. Below is a list of some southern California counties and cities minimum wage requirements. Some local governments require employers to update the required posters given the new increases taking effect on July 1, 2019 (see links below to posters).
County of Los Angeles
County of Los Angeles required notices:
City of Los Angeles
City of Los Angeles required notices:
- City of Los Angeles minimum wage and paid sick leave poster for 2019
- Posters in other languages can be downloaded here.
Pasadena’s required notices:
- Pasadena’s Minimum Wage Official Notice – 26 or More Employees (Effective 7/1/19)
- Posters in other languages can be downloaded here.
Malibu’s required notice:
City of Santa Monica
Santa Monica’s required notices:
- July 1, 2019 Legal notice (English) (Spanish) (note that employers in Santa Monica are required to post both English and Spanish notices, even if they do not employ any Spanish speaking employees.
- Posters in other languages can be downloaded here.
City of San Diego
City of San Diego’s required notices:
- City of San Diego’s Minimum Wage Notice
- City of San Diego’s Earned Sick Leave Notice
- City of San Diego’s Employer to Employee Notice Template
It is important to note that most cities and counties require employers to post the posters in languages other than English if a certain percentage of employees speak a different language. Most cities and county (but not all) make the posters in the alternative languages available on their websites.
Employers need to remember that even if their business is not located in a city or county that does not have a minimum wage or paid sick leave requirement, this does not mean your company can ignore the new laws. Most of the ordinances require compliance with their local laws if any employee works two hours within the city or county even if the employer is not based within that city or county. For example:
- Santa Monica: Law applies to any employee working a minimum of two hours within Santa Monica in a given week (even if employer is located outside of Santa Monica).
- City of Los Angeles: Ordinance applies to “[a]n employee … who performs at least two hours of work in a particular week within the City of Los Angeles….”
- County of Los Angeles: Ordinance applies to “[a]nyone who works at least two hours in a one-week period within the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County is entitled to the County minimum wage for the hours worked in the unincorporated area of the County.”
- Pasadena: Applies to employees who perform at least two hours of work in Pasadena.
- Malibu: “This ordinance applies to employees who perform at least two hours of work in a particular week within the Malibu city limits.”
- San Diego: Applies “to employees who perform at least two (2) hours of work in one or more calendar weeks of the year within the geographic boundaries of San Diego.”