The City of Los Angeles recently assessed Carl’s Jr. Restaurants $1.45 million in fines for violation of the City’s minimum wage law ordinance. The City sought these penalties against Carl’s Jr. for allegedly failing to pay 37 employees the applicable Los Angeles minimum wage rate of $10.50 per hour from July 1, 2016 to
paid sick leave
Five must-have policies for California employers
In speaking to a few groups of California employers this week, a common question kept coming up about what are the essential employment policies California employers must have? While there are more than five, this week’s Friday’s Five starts with what I consider to be critical policies that every California must have in place.
Five common questions about California’s paid sick leave requirements
Almost two years after California’s requirement to provide employees with paid sick leave, there are still many outstanding questions about California’s Healthy Workplace Healthy Family Act of 2014. These issues still exist even after Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 3 on April 2016 amending the Act attempting to clarify a few provisions of…
Five reminders about paid sick leave requirements in Southern California
With the arrival of 2017, many employers are recognizing the difficulties in navigating the complex set of paid leave laws in Southern California. For regular readers of the blog, this may seem like a repeat, but this post is five items employers need to remember about paid sick leave laws in Southern California.
1. The…
San Diego’s changing minimum wage and paid sick leave law – five updates to know
The City of San Diego passed the Earned Sick Leave and Minimum Wage Ordinance which took effect on July 11, 2016. Now, less and two months later, the City has approved an “Implementing Ordinance” clarifying the law’s regulations. The Implementing Ordinance takes effect on September 2, 2016. This Friday’s Five provides five issues that have…
City of San Diego’s minimum wage and paid sick leave law effective July 11, 2016
The City of San Diego’s minimum wage increase and paid sick leave were made effective on July 11, 2016. Therefore, all employers that have workers who work within the City of San Diego for two hours or more in any week must comply with the minimum wage increase ($10.50/hour) and paid sick leave requirements. The…
Five items to review for local minimum wage and paid sick leave laws
In this Friday’s Five post, I discuss five items that SoCal employers should review to ensure compliance with the minimum wage and paid sick leave increases in many cities and counties that took effect on July 1, 2016 or soon thereafter.
Five local minimum wage and paid sick leave laws applicable to Southern California
Welcome to this weeks Friday’s Five. In the last two weeks in early June 2016, many local governments in Southern California have passed laws increasing the minimum wage and the amount of paid sick leave benefits to employees. This Friday’s Five is a summary of five minimum wage and paid sick leave requirements that employers…
Five reminders for paid sick leave at the start of 2016 for California employers
I’ve been fielding a lot of questions from clients about California’s paid sick leave at the beginning of 2016. There has been a lot of confusion about accrual rates and tracking paid sick leave for employees, and if the employee’s paid sick leave accrual re-sets at the beginning of the calendar year. This week’s Friday’s…
Friday’s Five: Issues That Should Be On Every Employer’s Radar
Speaking with some clients, I sense their overwhelming confusion in setting up employment policies in California. While it can be a daunting task, I remind them that the key is to approach it in a systematic process, and once the system is in place, compliance can be very easy. While there are many issues employers…