Almost two years after California’s requirement to provide employees with paid sick leave, there are still many outstanding questions about California’s Healthy Workplace Healthy Family Act of 2014. These issues still exist even after Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 3 on April 2016 amending the Act attempting to clarify a few provisions of the law.
In this Friday’s Five video I discuss a few of the common questions employers still have about the law, such as:
- When can attendance policies violate the law?
- Can employers require doctor’s notes from employees who take paid sick leave?
- Can employers discipline employees to taking leave and not providing advance notice after they exhausted their paid sick leave?
For more information, visit the Department of Industrial Relations frequently asked questions page here.
Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the Employment Law Report’s YouTube channel to receive notification about new videos.
Sorry for the late post, but there were some server upgrades for my blog on Friday. Have a great week.