We recommend employers develop a separation checklist to ensure the company’s policies are followed as well as all applicable laws that pertain to the employer.  This article provides five issues employers should consider in developing a separation checklist for their company:

1. Documenting reason for termination

Employers should establish a protocol for documenting the reason

Employee terminations and resignations must be planned for in advance to avoid common pitfalls for California employers.  This Friday’s Five focuses on critical management and legal considerations during the separation process to minimize potential liability:

1. Documenting the reason for termination

What is the reason for termination? Is there a company policy that was violated?

California law requires employers to provide certain documents to employees.  Here are five documents California employers should consider in developing an end of employment packet:

1. Notice to Employee as to Change in Relationship (required under California Unemployment Insurance Code 1089)

As the EDD explains:

Written notice must be given immediately to employees of their

Another Friday, another Friday’s Five.  If you are new to the Employment Law Report, I write about a topic and include five items employers should understand on that topic every Friday.  This Friday’s Five discusses the documents employers should consider providing to employees at the end of employment.

The documents include:

  1. Notice of change

There is always a lot of attention paid to what notices and forms should be given to new-hires. However, today’s Friday’s Five post I want to focus on the documents that should accompany an employee’s separation from employment:

1. Paycheck for all hours worked until separation including all accrued but unused vacation time.
Generally, the