There is always a lot of attention paid to what notices and forms should be given to new-hires. However, today’s Friday’s Five post I want to focus on the documents that should accompany an employee’s separation from employment:

1. Paycheck for all hours worked until separation including all accrued but unused vacation time.
Generally, the paycheck must be provided at the time of termination or within 72 hours if employee quits without providing 72 hours’ notice. Here is a more detailed article I wrote on the topic previously.

2. Notice to Employee as to Change in Relationship
California Unemployment Insurance Code 1089 requires that employers provided separated employees with written notice of the employee’s change in relationship with the employer.

3. “For Your Benefit, California’s Program for the Unemployed” pamphlet published by the EDD (Form 2320)
This form published by the EDD is required to be provided to any employee who is being laid off, terminated, or placed on a leave of absence on the last day of employment.

4. COBRA and Cal-COBRA Notices.
Employers should obtain these forms through your health insurance provider.

5. Health Insurance Premium (HIPP) Notice (DHCS 9061)
For employers with 20 or more employees, the Department of Health Care Services requires that employers provide terminated employees with the Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) notice.