Los Angeles County minimum wage

February is off to a fast start for employers on a state and on the Los Angeles local level.  This Friday’s Five covers updates on California pay data reporting site, and LA City and County minimum wage announcements, deadline for employers to provide notices to employees who have noncompetition agreements, and updates to the required

There is a lot to report on a state and on the Los Angeles local level as we start February 2023.  This Friday’s Five covers updates on Cal/OSHA ETS, and LA City and County supplemental paid sick leave updates and newly announced minimum wages:

1. Los Angeles City COVID-19 supplemental paid Sick leave (SPSL) expires

Following the City of Los Angeles, the County of Los Angeles implemented a new minimum wage increase for all unincorporated cities within Los Angeles County.  The minimum wage law follows the City’s requirements, but there are a few areas where the County differs, which can be a trap for employers:

1) County of Los Angeles