Fair Labor Standards Act

With summer right around the corner, many businesses are looking to hire from local high schools. Whether you are hiring minors as seasonal or full-time employees, there are key laws that employers should be familiar with. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), California Labor Code, California Wage Orders, and California Education Code regulate child labor.  

California law starts from a presumption that all employees are non-exempt employees, meaning that they are not exempt from the Labor Code requirements, such as overtime pay, meal and rest breaks, and minimum wage. Exempt employees are designated as such because they are “exempt” from certain wage and hour requirements due to their duties and

This Friday’s Five comes on Cinco de Mayo – how appropriate.  The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Working Family Flexibility Act, now it is being consideredfamily - school by the Senate.  President Trump has indicated that he would sign the bill if it makes it to his desk.  Five issues California employers need to understand