In this Friday’s Five, I discuss why people should be more open to attending jury duty. I sat for jury duty this week, but was dismissed after vior dire. I’ve served on two juries prior to this, and maybe it is the litigator in me, but I’ve found the process fascinating. Also, I’m tired
jury duty
My Jury Experience
By Anthony Zaller on
I had the pleasure of serving on a jury here in Los Angeles this month. It was a criminal case that lasted about one week. From a litigator’s perspective, the service was very interesting, and very informative. Here are a few lessons I picked up from my jury service:
- Lawyers need to keep their cases
Time Off Work For Jury Duty
As long as employers are given reasonable advance notice, employees are entitled to take time off to serve as a juror or as a witness if subpoenaed to appear at trial. Employers may not discriminate or otherwise punish an employee for taking time off to serve as a juror or a witness.
Pay During Jury…