Do employers need to have a computerized timekeeping system to comply with their requirements under California law? Surprisingly (or maybe not so – depending on your views on how slow the law is in adapting to technological advances), the Labor Code does not address this issue right on point. Yet, there are some governing principles
electronic time records
Five Reminders About California Time Record Requirements
Employers have the burden to record and maintain accurate time records under California law. If the employer knows employees are not properly recording their time, the employer needs to enforce a policy to have employees accurately record their time, even if it requires disciplinary action. In addition, employers need to review their time records to…
Considerations for Electronic Time and Payroll Records For California Employers
Do employers need to have a computerized timekeeping system to comply with their requirements under California law? With technological advances, it is hard to remember that just 10 years ago these questions were on top of everyone’s mind, but today it is sometimes assumed that it must be legal to keep these records electronically. However,…
Essential Elements of Electronic Timekeeping Systems For California Employers
I’ve been working with several clients recently in reviewing various timekeeping and payroll systems and am amazed about the limited capability for some of the software being offered to employers. With employees’ access to computers, point of sale systems, tablets and other technology, timekeeping should be a seamless function within a company in 2021, but…
Back to basics: record keeping requirements
Employee document storage and retention policies: it is not cutting edge legal theory or management philosophy, but companies that think about and actively develop a plan will save large amounts of money. The costs savings will come from being able to better defend litigation because the key documents were maintained, and by saving time and…
Pen-and-paper or electronic timekeeping: time records under CA law
I received a few questions this week that I have not heard asked in a while: In what manner do employers need to keep time records? Can they be kept electronically, or do they have to be written? A follow-on question was: Do employers need to have a computerized timekeeping system to comply with their…