Happy New Year!  2021 has been another challenging year for California employers.  COVID-related laws still predominate many issues facing California employers, from mandatory vaccinations, testing issues, and the various Federal, state and local requirements.  California employers face these COVID-19 issues in addition to the normal heavy regulatory and ever changing framework facing them.

This Friday’s Five focuses on the enormous amount of work put forth by our team at Zaller Law Group (ZLG) during 2021 in helping California employers deal and stay informed with these new legal developments.

Here are five highlights on how Zaller Law Group continued to support California employers in 2021:

1. 72 Blog Posts

The California Employment Law Report was a primary resource ZLG uses to provide updates about California employment law during the year.  Our blog will continue be one of the first places new legal issues that employers need to know about are posted.  If you are not already a subscriber, you can subscribe to the blog here:  https://www.californiaemploymentlawreport.com/subscribe/

2. Over 15 webinars conducted

We hosted a number of webinars through our Firm, as well as in partnership with Cal/OSHA, the California Restaurant Association, and the San Bernardino Economic Development department, among other groups.  These webinars were a great source of information for California employers to stay informed about California’s quickly developing issues.

We also started the Executive Leadership Insights webinar, during which we had distinguished guests from companies such as Urban Plates (Mike Connelly – VP of Operations); Specialty Restaurants Corporation (John Tallichet – President and CEO), Flynn Restaurant Group (Maya Ohana – Senior Counsel), Hello Bello (Erica Buxton – President), and Nolan Bushnell (founder of Atari and Chuck E. Cheese).  The best way to be informed about any upcoming webinars is to subscribe to the blog here (subscribers to the blog are notified of webinars available to the public).

3. 51 YouTube Videos

There were over 47,000 views of the Firm’s video content.  On YouTube, the watch time consisted of over 1,900 hours, over 1,650 subscribers to the channel: Employment Law Report – YouTube.

4. 16 Podcast Episodes

Our podcast, Zaller Talk, is available on most podcast platforms, such as Spotify and iTunes.

My favorite episode in 2021 was my discussion with Madelyn Alfano, founder of Maria’s Italian Kitchen.

5. 9 employees of Zaller Law Group.

The work described above is a testament to the dedication of the attorneys and staff at Zaller Law Group on how hard the team works to reach these accomplishments in 2021 – especially considering that this work is in addition to the normal litigation obligations the team provides in defending employers in court.

Wishing everyone the best this year, and we look forward to assisting California employers in successfully navigating California employment laws in 2022!