There has been a lot of debate and legal action about the NLRB’s new posting requirements. However, as it now appears, most employers (union and non-union) will be required to post a new NLRB poster by April 30, 2012.
For more information about the new poster, visit the NLRB’s website here. Of particular importance is to determine if your company is required to post the poster, and that information can be found here. Employers can simply print the poster from the NLRB’s website.
There has been a lot of discussion about the legality of this new posting requirement, but I generally agree with Daniel Schwartz of the Connecticut Employment Law Blog that this poster is just another one to put on the wall. Daniel points out that employees are probably more likely to Google some question before they go to the lunch room wall full of notice requirements. Will it really change things much? Probably not given that employees can access all of this information, and more on their smart phone.