On December 15, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari in Viking River Cruises, Inc. v. Moriana. At issue in this case is whether a California employer may enter into a voluntary agreement with an employee whereby the employee agrees to only bring his or her individual claims in an arbitration proceeding and not
defending PAGA claims
Five Critical Issues Facing California Employers – September 2021
By Anthony Zaller on
Posted in Best Practices For California Employers
California employers have a lot to keep their eye on over the last few weeks. For this week’s Friday’s Five article, here is a list of five key issues California employers should know about and how these issues will likely impact their workplace:
1. New decision approves striking unmanageable PAGA claims.
Steps To Defend Against Class Action or PAGA lawsuits
By Anthony Zaller on
Being named as a defendant in a class action or Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) lawsuit can be overwhelming, especially for a growing company. However, with planning, a company can minimize the impact of litigation on its existing operations and put forth the best defense. Here are five steps a company can take as part…