AB 654 is a new law that took effect on October 5, 2021 and modified California employer’s duty to notify workers of a potential COVID-19 exposure at the workplace. The new law modifies and updates AB 685 which became effective on January 1, 2021 (see our post discussing AB 685 here). The new law
COVID-10 Employment Playbook
AB 685 Requires Employers To Provide Notice to Employees and Local Health Departments About COVID-19 In The Workplace
By Anthony Zaller on
Posted in California Legislation Update
California passed sweeping legislation that imposes new reporting requirements in 2021 on employers regarding COVID-19 cases in the workplace. The new law, AB 685, also provides California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal-OSHA) expansive authority to close workplaces based on the threat of COVID-19. Here are five issues California employers need to understand…