Essential businesses operating throughout California must pay careful attention to local Orders requiring social distancing protocols (SDPs). With many of the original Orders set to expire at the beginning of May, many counties are extending their original SDPs with additional requirements. Below is a list of five counties we have been receiving routine questions about details of each SDP:
1. Los Angeles County:
- Effective Date: No later than April 15, 2020 11:59 p.m. essential businesses were required to implement the social distancing protocol. Expires on May 15, 2020
- Social Distancing Protocol (updated 4/10/20):
- Notices to Customers (updated 4/22/20):
- FAQ for managers:
2. Long Beach:
- Effective March 28, 2020, and revised on April 10, 2020. Expires on May 15, 2020.
- Safer At Home Order:—lb-health-order—safer-at-home
- Social Distancing Protocol:—social-distancing-protocol
3. San Diego:
- Effective Date: May 1, 2020. Expires upon notice.
- County Health Order:
- Note: “All essential businesses shall implement the Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocol and provide evidence of its implementation to any authority enforcing this Order upon demand.”
- Effective on May 8, 2020 all essential business shall require all employees to wear a face covering.
- Social Distancing Protocol:
4. San Bernardino County:
- List of all health orders issued by county:
- April 23, 2020 Order of the Health Offices of the County of San Bernardino For the Control of COVID-19:
- Order is effective until rescinded.
- The Order does not require a set social distancing protocol, but requires:
“Businesses shall identify and implement required measures for social distancing and infection control in each of their facilities. If the measures identified and implemented are not effective in maintaining proper social distancing and infection control, additional measures shall be identified and implemented or the facility shall be closed.”
- Requires a posting for certain “licensed facilities.”
5. San Francisco Bay Area:
- On April 29, the Bay Area counties extended the stay at home order from May 3, 2020 to the end of May. It permits some “lower risk outdoor activities and jobs to resume May 4.”
- Business resource page:
- Order and protocol attached as exhibit A:
- Word version of social distancing protocol: